What's In My Bag: Going Out Edition

 I thought I should do another What's In My Bag post today and specifically my going out night bag as it is coming to the time of year where the Christmas parties are coming and before you know it New Year's will be upon us. I thought I'd share what I take out with me on a typical night out and that you definitely don't need a massive bag full of stuff!

So let's start with my go to night out bag. I do own lots of clutches but the amount of times I drop them when I'm dancing is way too many and having a bag which can cross my body and I can easily keep an eye on when on a night out is my choice. My current go to bag is a this black bag from H&M, they no longer sell it but they sell different variations of this bag and it only cost £9.99 when I did get it! Anyway now onto what is actually in my bag...

Lets start with my purse, I use an old purse which happens to be a Radley purse, but I use this as it's lightweight and small enough to fit in my bag whilst being able to hold everything I need. Usually I take at least £20 on with me enough to get into the club (that's if I haven't bought a ticket prior to getting to the club) and enough to pay for a taxi at the end of the night (which is usually £5 and we split it between normally at least two of us) and of course enough for a couple of cheeky tequila shots in the club. I also take my bus pass as we get free buses in Oxford with the Brookes bus or pay £1 to get on any other bus and they drop us right by the clubs. I also take both my Student ID for student nights and my Drivers License as a valid form of ID. I also take a bank card which I can only use in an ATM in case I run out of money, I've needed to use it but I always take it just in case!

I also take my keys in my bag which is a necessity as well as some Smints as alcohol breath is such a no no for so many reasons, plus I love tequila but the after taste lingers for way too long especially when you are like me and have it straight without the lemon and salt. I also take some antibacterial hand gel because the amount of times I've been in club toilets and they don't have any soap! Plus the Soap & Glory one can double as a perfume as it smells so nice!

In terms of beauty products I keep it to a minimum in case I lose anything. I always take my powder which is the Soap & Glory One Heck of a Blot Powder with my Real Techniques Buffing Brush. I then always take whatever I've used on my lips, pictured is my Soap & Glory Mother Pucker Lip Stick in Raplumsel. 

I try to keep my bag quite basic and only take the necessities on a night out so I don't really have much to lose as well. I thought this would be good to do at this time of year and for those who don't go out a lot and don't always know what they should be taking out with them!

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