Despite being a Slimming World related post what I'm discussing today can actually be used for anyone. Syns of Slimming World are worked out mainly based on calories of a food and as we are allowed 5-15 Syns a day there is a lot of low calorie food we can eat, so the food I'm going to be discussing down below will be able to be used by anyone looking for low calories, healthier options of treats as the last thing you want to be feeling is deprived. I have a major sweet tooth hence why most of the food I've mentioned below are sweet in some way or another.
I thought it was best to start with the lower syn treats and work up to the higher synned goods!

A random mix here but I thought it was good to show a variety of foods, most of which are perfect as snacks or part of a meal.
Mug Shot // most mug shots on Slimming World are free (some aren't so you'd have to check!) These are great for a quick meal or a snack in the afternoon. I love how guilt free these are and are perfect for me when I am doing uni work and don't want to take a long break to cook a 'proper' meal. These are so cheap as well so I always make sure I have a few in my cupboard!
Muller Light Yogurts // Again most of the Muller Light yogurts are free on Slimming World and are great for me. I love putting these over fruit, have them alone as a snack or as my pudding after a main meal. I even sometimes freeze these so I can feel as though I've been naughty but I've stayed completely on plan! My favourite flavours are smooth toffee, vanilla, skinny latte, skinny cappuccino and peanut and caramel. The limited edition flavours are the absolute best!
Hartley's Sugar Free Jelly // Okay these aren't free but they are 0.5 Syns per pot. I love these to take to work as a sweet treat which is low in Syns. They do a variety of flavours and they are always on offer so are super affordable too! I know some people do use these to make desserts/sundaes so they really are versatile!
Moving on to the still low but slightly higher syn value treats...
Options Hot Chocolate // I love Hot Chocolate, its the perfect pick me up after a long day and feels really luxurious. Options sachets vary from 1.5 to 2 Syns per sachet. My favourite flavours have to be the mint and the butterscotch. There are other Hot Chocolate options as well including the Cadbury's Highlights Sachets at 2 Syns a sachet. My favourite of those have to be the Bourneville as it tastes like really rich hot chocolate and definitely not a lower calorie option!
Flumps // Throwback to your childhood here. Marshmallows as a whole are quite low synned, but for me, if I have a bag of marshmallows I wouldn't be able to stop at just one or two I could quite easily demolish the pack. Flumps are great at 2 Syns each and they again are super cheap. I like to either eat these on their own, or if I really want a luxurious thing I break them up and put them on top of my hot chocolates. I feel like I've been really naughty and having a real treat but at the most its going to 4 Syns!
Choc Shot // I had never heard of this before starting University but it is amazing! Okay so 1tsp is only 0.5 Syns and 1 tablespoon is 2 Syns, but when I measure this out a little definitely goes a long way! You can use this to make hot chocolate using milk or drizzle over desserts. I like to drizzle this over fruit and yogurt or mix into muller light yogurts or even add to frozen yogurt. It taste so rich and luxurious you wouldn't think it is so low in Syns! They do a Chocolate Orange flavour as well as a Coconut flavour which I am still yet to try!
Still lower syn treats...
Hi Fi Bars // Okay unfortunately these are only available if you go to a Slimming World group. I love these bars most of them are 3 Syns each or you can have two as a HEB. I love the Rocky Road, Jam Roly Poly and Custard and the Chocolate Orange flavours. I always stock up on these as they are really nice and I really think of them as a treat.
Alpen Light Bars // Similar to the Hi Fi Bars these are 3 Syns each or you can have two as a HEB. These are almost always on offer for £1 a box and then I do go a bit crazy. I have so many at the moment I'm not sure how I'm going to get through them all. I find these great to keep in my bag if I'm out and about in town or at university and it stops me buying something that isn't so Slimming World friendly. There are so many flavours of these so you are bound to find something you like, my favourites have to be the Cherry Bakewell ones as they really do taste like a cherry bakewell!
Now onto the higher syn treats but all still below 10 syns...
Cheetos Puffs // I'm not really a crisp person, but knowing that I can have them if I want definitely help. These are 3.5 Syns a bag and these ones taste just like wotsits. I often take these to work in my little pack up. Hula Hoop Pufts are equally as nice and are again just 3.5 Syns a bag.
Fun Size Milky Way // I love chocolate, I could eat chocolate bar after chocolate bar quite easily. Knowing I can have my chocolate fix whilst not going out of control is so good. These are 3.5 Syns a bar and when you just need some chocolate this is great. I do know some people freeze them to make them last longer or even melt them and make your own dessert sundae which I definitely will have to try soon!
Fun Size Mars Bar // Another little chocolate bar for my chocolate fix. This is 4 Syns a bar but sometimes you just need it. Again you could freeze or melt this or just enjoy it as it is!
Kit Kat // Most Kit Kats are 5.5 Syns (the dark ones are only 5 Syns!) and I love these. They do so many different flavours so you can definitely feel as though you've had a treat!
I love writing Slimming World posts as it is such a big part of my life now. I would love to do some more snack posts like this so if any of you have low syn snacks you enjoy let me know! Also I would love to know if you like these Slimming World posts, my update posts are always really popular so would love to incorporate more into my blog!
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