Back to School - Make Up Bag Essentials

Everyone, whether you're going back to school or not, has some form of a make-up bag inside their school bag/handbag. Seeing as it's the Back to School season I have decided to do a make-up bag essentials post hence you reading this. This is solely going to include make up and other beauty essentials will be featured in a school bag essentials post which will be going up shortly.

Now everyone is different and every school is different. I know that some schools are relatively strict on how much make-up you can wear whereas others aren't really bothered. So this post will be tailored for the bear basics one will need at school but I will feature a few extras you can choose to add if you wish.

Wishlist - DVDs

I currently am really motivated to be doing wishlists (so expect to see a lot from me in the next couple of weeks!) and seeing as I have an Amazon wishlist with 77 DVDs on it alone I thought I'd share a few of my DVD lusts with you all. The DVDs people watch I personally think gives a real insight into their personality and normally a side not everyone gets to see in their day to day life. Okay, so enough ramblings...

1 Play £9.99 - 2 Amazon £3 - 3 Amazon £4.25 - 4 Amazon £4 - 5 Amazon £3.72 - 6 Amazon £45.37 - 7 Amazon £3 - 8  Play £4.58

Back to School - School Bag Guide

Well we all know the importance of a good bag especially when going back to school, not only do you want to have a bag that can hold of your textbooks, school essentials, make up and most importantly look good and whilst not breaking the bank in the process! Sometimes that can be easier said then done so today I am here to offer my helping hand in finding you your perfect back to school bag whether it be that you're just starting Secondary School (or High School if you're not from the UK), College or Sixth Form or even University.

Why not go a bit old school with the traditional but now fashionable backpack?

What's Coming Up...

Okay, so I haven't blogged in two months...I know its bad but long story short I have been feeling really unmotivated with everything. My life, social life, my family, school, and blogging. So decided to take a break to try and find myself. It's been going well and is still an ongoing problem but I'm working on it. This break from blogging has taught me how I want my blog to be, to look, to sound like and what I want it to feature. I did think about rebranding it completely with a new name, new look, but that takes time so for now I just want to focus on not blogging halfheartedly before making any darastic changes which I might later come to regret.

So enough about me and my shambles of a life and what you all want to know, what's coming up next for my blog...